Our VIP Litter: Your Exclusive Ticket to Puppy Parenthood!
Once your application is approved, you'll have the privilege to select from our VIP Litter. These in-demand puppies are adopted promptly. Guarantee your place on their adoption list with a $50 deposit, prioritized based on deposit receipt time. Act now, as spots are filled on a first-come, first-served basis!
Looking For a Specific Type of Pup?
As a rescue organization, we are first focused on saving as many pups and mamas as possible, not on their breed. However, we do our best to "guess" what breeds they may be. Our recommendation if you are serious about adoption is to fill out an application now so that you are approved and in our system. By letting us know you are interested, we can keep our eye out for any pups that fit your breed-specific desires.