MY STORY: Daisy's journey began at Mission Bay Puppy Rescue alongside her sister. A tragic incident struck their family when their home succumbed to a devastating fire. While their mother heroically saved two of her daughters, Daisy's father and other siblings tragically did not survive.
Originally named Ember, Daisy and her sister Phoenix found solace in the arms of loving families through adoption. However, due to circumstances beyond their control, Daisy's family had to seek assistance in finding her a new home.
Despite the challenges she faced early on, Daisy exudes joy and exuberance. She is a spirited and outgoing pup, brimming with boundless energy. A lover of the outdoors, she would make an excellent companion for hikes and adventures. Indoors, Daisy showcases impeccable behavior, radiating calmness and affection. She enjoys the company of other dogs, though her playful nature may be best matched with a larger canine friend, as she tends to engage in spirited play. Consider welcoming Daisy into your home and heart, as she promises to bring warmth, joy, and a zest for life.