MY STORY: In the heartwarming tale of Lillian, a furry soul discovered by the compassionate San Diego Humane Society, her journey unfolds alongside her dear companion Trudy, a pregnant companion who might have been her mama or sister. Their bond was evident as they stuck close together, facing the challenges of shelter life with resilience.
Amidst the shelter's walls, Trudy welcomed a litter of adorable pups, and it was at this juncture that Mission Bay Puppy Rescue extended their helping hand, stepping in to care for not only the two inseparable friends but also the five newborn bundles of joy.
Lillian, with her endearing personality, seamlessly integrated into our household, embarking on explorations with confidence. The warmth of our laps became her haven, and her beautiful, curly coat hints at a delightful mix—perhaps a touch of poodle or even a golden retriever? At a full-grown weight of 12lbs, Lillian, we estimate, is around 1 year old.
Her harmonious interactions with our dogs suggest that Lillian is destined to be a great companion, and we anticipate she'll extend her friendly nature to feline friends as well. Now, as we open our hearts to this delightful soul, we are on the lookout for a forever home that will cherish her sweet disposition or a short-term foster to provide her with the love and care she deserves. The next chapter in Lillian's story is waiting to unfold, filled with love, companionship, and the promise of a brighter future.