MY STORY: During a shopping trip at Walmart, a heartwarming encounter unfolded as Ruby was discovered darting around the parking lot. A compassionate stranger swiftly scooped her up in the hopes of reuniting her with her owner. To their surprise, the supposed owner, a homeless woman battling substance issues, urged them to "just take her" as she couldn't provide the care Ruby needed.
Moved by Ruby's plight, the kindhearted individual sought assistance from Mission Bay Puppy Rescue. True to her name, Ruby embodies the qualities of a precious gem – she's not only cuddly and playful but radiates a contagious joy for life. Thriving in the rescue environment, she has formed bonds with fellow pups, showcasing her sociable nature.
Ruby is now ready to bring boundless joy to a new family. If you're ready to open your home to this delightful companion, consider adopting Ruby and make her a cherished member of your family today.